Sunday 31 March 2013

Hunting Island

The sisters flew on out to Hunting Island State Park. It is a 5,000 acre semitropical barrier island with a lighthouse. Plantation owners came out to hunt deer, raccoons and birds and it was given the name Hunting Island. The first lighthouse was built in the 1850's but was burned down by the Confederates in the early years of of the Civil War. It was rebuilt after the war and moved to a new location on the island. The sisters decide to go up into the lighthouse.

The sea island of St. Helena

Over 100 small islands lie off the coasts of Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina. One of these islands off of Beaufort, South Carolina is St. Helena Island. Many slaves were brought from Africa to the sea islands where the crops of indigo, rice, and sea island cotton were grown.
The sisters stopped at the Shrimp Shack for a bite to eat. They meet a pirate there!

Big Old Live Oak Tree

The sisters found a Southern Live Oak Tree in a yard in Beaufort. Look how big it is! Can you find Ms. Nastee?


The town of Beaufort was chartered in 1711 and is South Carolina's second oldest city behind Charleston. There are many historic areas in the town and it was used for many films such as The Big Chill, Forrest Gump, The Great Santini, The Prince of Tides, and Something to Talk About. The sisters visited the Berners Barnwell Sams House which was built in 1852 and is the only house in Beaufort that has slave houses in the back. They are now apartments. Can you find the sisters?

Sunday 17 March 2013

Green Water?

The sisters flew back to Columbia, South Carolina and found the water in the fountain at Five Points had turned green. And they also discovered they were not alone at the fountain. A leprechaun was actually hiding behind Mrs. Nastee. Can you find both witches and the leprechaun? Happy St. Patrick's Day!

White Squirrel, White Squirrel What Do You See?

I see two witches looking at me!

Saturday 16 March 2013

Seeking a White Squirrel!

The sisters thought they might find a white squirrel in downtown Brevard. They hung out in front of The White Squirrel Shoppe where they felt for sure they would find such a creature. Can you find Mrs. Nastee and the toy white squirrel she is sitting next to? Meanwhile, across the street, Ms. Nastee climbed a tree to catch a white squirrel. Alas it was not real either!

White Squirrels of Brevard, North Carolina

The sisters heard about the white squirrels of Brevard. In 1949, a carnival truck overturned near Madison, Florida and a few white (not albinos as they have dark eyes) squirrels escaped. A pair was caught and given to someone in Brevard. When one of the pair escaped, the person decided to let the other one go. The squirrels began to muliply and thrive in this lovely town. They are now protected by a city ordinance. The sisters thought they had found one but it was just a toy!

Covered Bridge

In the DuPont Forest the sisters came across a covered bridge. A covered bridge is a timber-truss bridge made to protect the wooden structure. It is almost completely enclosed so weather can not do as much harm to the wooden boards you drive on. Find the sisters at the bridge.

Waterfall, Waterfall, Waterfall!

The sisters flew to the DuPont State Recreational Forest in North Carolina where they came across three waterfalls. The first, called Triple Falls, was used in The Hunger Games movie. The second is High Falls and is about 40 metres (120 feet) tall. The third waterfall is Hooker Falls and it makes a 4 metre (12-foot drop) into a large pool. Can you find the sisters at each waterfall?

Saturday 9 March 2013

Usually Ms. Nastee Carries the Trunk!

Prosperity or Frog Level

The sisters flew about 11 km. (7 miles) south of Newberry to the town of Prosperity. This town used to be called Frog Level but when the railroad came through in 1873, the townspeople decided it needed a grander name and decided on Prosperity. The sisters wanted to find a frog and certainly found a big one. Can you find them in this photograph?

Newberry Opera House

The sisters decided to go Hollywood (or in this case, Newberry) and try to get a job at the Newberry Opera House. It was completed in 1882 and three different colours of brick from three local brickyards were used. It is still used for theatrical performances today but the sisters were not hired! Can you find them?

Newberry Old Court House

The sisters flew to the town of Newberry, South Carolina, founded in 1789. In the town square they found the Old Court House built in 1853. The decoration at the top was done after the Fire of 1879 and was about Reconstruction in the South after the Civil War. The upturned palmetto tree is the uprooted South Carolina culture, the eagle clutching the scales of justice is the Federal government, and the gamecock is the still-proud South Carolinian people. Very complicated! Can you find the sisters?

Friday 8 March 2013

Woodrow Wilson Family Home

The sisters tried to visit the Woodrow Wilson Family Home in Columbia, South Carolina. There appears to be a problem with this home of the 28th President of the United States (1913 to 1921). Built in 1872, the future President lived here from ages 14 through 17. The house is being "rehabilitated" so it will look like it did when Woodrow Wilson lived here. Can you find the sisters trying to visit the house in the photographs below?

Sunday 3 March 2013

Climbing and Cooling Off

Still in the Peachtree Rock Heritage Preserve the sisters decided to climb a longleaf pine tree to look around. After that strenuous activity they found a waterfall to cool off in!

Peachtree Rock Heritage Preserve

The sisters flew to the Peachtree Rock Heritage Preserve in Lexington, South Carolina where they came upon Little Peachtree Rock. This sandstone formation occurred when an ancient ocean washed over this area leaving marine fossils and beach-like sand. Erosion revealed this rock. See if you can find the sisters!